When you have multiple decayed or missing teeth, it can compromise your oral and overall health. At Eastland Family Dental, we offer beautiful dentures in Independence to restore your oral health and the beauty of your smile. Our team is passionate about providing quality dental restorations that look and feel natural and boost your confidence.
We are proud to restore the smiles of the residents of Independence and the surrounding areas. Our team blends modern technology with decades of experience to provide the quality dentures you deserve. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Dentures are dental restorations that recreate the surface area of your bite with prosthetic teeth, helping return your smile’s function and aesthetics. The teeth consist of a durable material that looks like natural teeth, and the base is made from a soft acrylic that mimics the appearance of healthy gums. Our office proudly offers an array of denture options to meet your specific needs and smile goals, including traditional dentures, immediate dentures, and implant-supported dentures like the popular All-on-4® option.
We believe that each smile is different and requires personalized care. That is why we craft a treatment plan that is tailored to you and your specific needs and smile goals. Our team provides effective pretreatments when needed to protect your oral health and ensure your dentures fit properly. For example, we can extract decayed or severely compromised teeth to create room for your dentures or provide bone grafts to improve the density of your jaw before you get implant-supported dentures.

Your smile is an important part of who you are, and we make it a point to get to know you and ask questions to ensure we fully understand your needs and goals. Our team begins with a gentle and complete exam of your teeth, gums, and jaws to determine which type of dentures are right for you. We use advanced imaging to collect additional information that will help us craft a treatment plan that is personalized to your needs. You can count on us to always talk through all our denture options so you can make an informed decision about which one is best for you.
Once we’ve determined a denture solution that’s right for you, our dentist will perform any necessary extractions to protect your overall oral health. If you’ve decided to receive immediate dentures, we will craft their fit before performing a gentle extraction, so you leave our office with a beautiful smile. After the healing process, we will have you return to our office to be fitted for your permanent custom dentures.
You can trust that our team will be ready to help you throughout your dentures journey. We are dedicated to providing the services you need before, during, and after you receive your dentures. That is why we offer denture repair and relining services. If your dentures feel too tight, loose, uncomfortable, or are damaged, call our office, and we will schedule an appointment to reline or repair your dentures. In some more complex cases, we may need to send your dentures to a trusted lab for a reline or repair.
Transforming your smile can be a complex personal journey, and it’s natural to have questions. That’s why we encourage you to voice your questions and concerns. Our team is happy to provide the answers and resources you need to make an informed decision regarding your treatment plan. Here are some of the most common questions we receive about dentures.
How do I take care of my dentures?
Conventional dentures are easy to care for because you simply use a denture-safe toothpaste to clean your prosthetic teeth and then place them in a glass or jar of denture cleaner overnight. It’s important to allow your traditional dentures to rest in the approved denture solution because it helps keep the acrylic soft and comfortable. It’s important that you attend your biannual dental appointments so our team can verify the integrity of your dental restoration.
How long do dentures last?
Dentures are durable and designed to withstand the forces exerted when you chew. When you care for them properly, dentures can last for years. To ensure the longevity of your dentures, you should avoid chewing on pens, hard candy, certain nuts, and ice.
Do dentures hurt?
When you first receive your dentures, you may feel some discomfort and have an adjustment period. However, as you grow accustomed to wearing your new prosthesis, our custom dentures should fit comfortably and securely. If your dentures begin to irritate your gums or hurt, then they may need our repair or relining services.

If you have multiple missing or compromised teeth, you may feel limited on how or when you can smile and what you can eat. At Eastland Family Dental, we offer custom dentures that restore your ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently. Our goal is to boost your oral health and overall quality of life with dentures that look and feel natural. We are excited to meet you and rejuvenate your smile with beautiful dentures in Independence. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.